Study Abroad Fair – Discover your possibilities !
On 28 November 2024 from 10:00 to 15:00, the Study Abroad Fair will take place in the Study Center (Foyer).
Here you can find out about exciting options for stays abroad during your studies.
Highlights of the day:
- Presentations (11:30-14:00, 1st floor, conference room):
Learn all about Montanuniversität's mobility programs, get to know EURECA-PRO and IAESTE, look forward to testimonials from students who have spent time in Sweden and India, as well as presentations from incoming students on their home universities in Brazil and Slovenia. There will also be special information on stays abroad in China, Latin America and India. - Information stands (10:00-15:00, foyer, ground floor):
Do you have individual questions about exchange semesters or internships abroad? Come by - the MIRO team will make time for you! You can also talk to students from France and Brazil and hear from outgoing students about their stays abroad.
Why take part?
The Study Abroad Fair offers you the chance to find out more about the possibilities of a stay abroad during your studies. Discover which options are open to you, gain valuable personal insights from fellow students and find out which stay suits your individual interests and goals.
Take this opportunity and drop by!
We look forward to seeing you!
Study Abroad Fair 2024
MIRO is organizing the Study Abroad Fair 2024 on April 17, 2024, which offers students the possibility to discover exciting study abroad opportunities!
The event offers the opportunity to ... exchange programs for stays abroad.
...find out about internship opportunities abroad.
...explore scholarships and funding opportunities for a stay abroad.
...make contact with advisors and students who can provide valuable insights and advice.
Date: April 17, 2024
Time: 10-15h
Location: Erzherzog-Johann-Trakt, main floor (information stands) & seminar room D (presentations)
Further details on the presentation program will follow.
We are part of EEIGM - École Européenne d'Ingénieurs en Génie des Matériaux
Montanuniversität Leoben has been part of the European School of Materials since summer 2023. The program has existed for 33 years and is coordinated by the University of Lorraine (Nancy) and its engineering college as EEIGM (École Européenne d'Ingénieurs en Génie des Matériaux).
What is EEIGM? EEIGM is a french engineering college that is part of the University of Lorraine. It offers a 5-year study program (equivalent to a diploma in France) by 7 universities in the EU (including universities in Germany, Spain, Sweden, Belgium and of course France and Austria).
Focus: "Materials science and materials technology" (MaWiTech)
Objective: Students should study at at least two universities from the consortium (and therefore speak at least two languages). They complete 6 months of "research work" (similar to our Master's thesis) and an additional 6 months of "industrial research" in a company such as Airbus, Ceratizit, ABS or ESA.
Students spend the first 4 (Bachelor) semesters at their home university. They then have to complete the next 3 semesters in Nancy (in French). This is followed by 3 more semesters ("Mobility," "Research Work," and "Industry Practice"). After that, students receive the EEIGM diploma and, if applicable, another degree (MSc) from the second university where they studied two more semesters (e.g. #8 and #9).
Information event:
On November 28, 2023, an information event about the program will take place together with representatives of the Université de Lorraine, Study program coordinator MaWiTech and the MIRO.
This event is aimed at MaWiTech students in their 1st or 3rd semester.
When? On Tuesday, 28.11 at 12:00 noon ( a small snack will be provided)
Where? Study Center HS1
Summer School "Water: Tool and Resource"

From August 1st to 5th our summer school on water took place in Leoben. The aim of the programme is to gain an understanding of how our planet's water boundaries are interlinked and what role water can play in our striving for sustainability, both as tool and as resource that needs to be protected.
The participants, 19 PhD and masters students from different institutions in Finland, Germany and Austria, learned about the role of water in industry, environment, energy, sustainability, and climate change. There were also excursions to Erzberg, AT&S, Frutura, and a "Disaster Day" in the military barrack in Sankt Michael, where various protective organisations presented their work when dealing with water disasters. The programme was topped off with the visit of a Buschenschank.
The participants mastered the on-site-phase well and are now preparing for their project presentations to complete the programme in October.
Our annual CirCOOL summer school is going into the next round!

This year, MIRO has come up with something special, because CirCOOL 2022 is taking place in cooperation with EURECA-PRO and is dedicated to one of their lighthouse topics, Responsible Material Flow. The summer school is organised as an Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP), whose special feature is the combination of virtual and mobile components. All students and teachers of the EURECA-PRO universities are invited. The programme will start on 4 July 2022 with the virtual part, in which the participants can first get to know the learning material and each other and prepare for the week in Leoben. From 18 July to 22 July 2022, we will welcome our participants at the Montanuniversität Leoben, where a colourful programme of lectures, workshops, discussions and an exciting social programme awaits them.
Applications for CirCOOL are open from 1 April to 31 May 2022. Details on registration and further information on the summer school are available via this link:
Visit of the Serbian ambassador in Styria

On 03.02.2022 representatives of the Styrian universities met the Serbian Ambassador H.E. Mr. Nebojša Rodić during his visit to Styria. Serbia and Styria are planning to sign a partnership agreement with the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina within the framework of a delegation to Novi Sad later this year. The meeting of the universities with the ambassador took place at the Slavonic Department of the Karl-Franzens University Graz and served the presentation of the Styrian universities as well as a sounding out of cooperation possibilities with the Serbian university sector. Susanne Feiel, Head of the International Department of the University of Leoben, took part and presented the numerous activities of the University of Leoben with a focus on Southeast Europe to the ambassador. We would like to thank the Coordination Team Western Balkans of the Office of the Styrian Provincial Government Department 9 Culture, Europe, Sports, Division Europe and International Affairs very much for organizing the meeting, as well as the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Humanities and Mr. Deputy Head of the Institute Boban Arsenijević for welcoming us so warmly.*
*The meeting took place in compliance with the Corona security measures in force at the time.
Ambassadors impression of the Styria-visit
Other links to Southeast Europe activities of the Montanuniversität:
East and Southeast Europe (ESEE) Raw Materials Projects
ESEE Dialogue Conference Series
East and South East Europe Dialogue Conference
Best-of-Souteast Scholarship
Internationalisation report 2021 - FOCUS ON INTERNATIONALISATION

MIRO published the new internationalisation report in May 2021. In this report, we wanted to give an insight into the many international activities at the Montanuniversität Leoben
See for yourself the great diversity of the international activities of the staff and students of our university! Thanks to your numerous photos and contributions, it was possible to present the international issues at Montanuniversität in a varied way and from different perspectives.
Each department received two print copies in German and English. Feel free to order additional copies from MIRO for yourself and your network partners.
- The web version can be found on our home page:
- The high-resolution print version can be found here
Montanuniversitaet Leoben receives Erasmus Charter
MUL has received the ERASMUS CHARTER FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (ECHE) for the new program period 2021-2027. The ECHE is the requirement for European Higher Education Institutions to be able to participate in the Erasmus Program; this includes all types of fundings for mobilities and projects. The ECHE also defines the general quality framework for cooperation activities under Erasmus and it has a validity of seven years. Applying for and receiving the Charter also implies a commitment to the principles of the Charter. This means that the MUL commits to implementing the principles enshrined in the program, such as non-discrimination, transparency, integration, equal access for all, automatic recognition of ECTS credits, no charging for fees in the course of mobility and to guarantee the quality of mobility activities and projects. In addition, the program’s priorities should be considered: Digitalization, Green Erasmus, Inclusion and Civic Engagement.
MUL has already participated successfully in the Erasmus program in the past years due to the ECHE. For the new Erasmus+ program period 2021-27, all Higher Education Institutions across Europe had to apply for the renewal of the Charter in spring 2020. Montanuniversitaet International Relations Office (MIRO) applied for the new Charter and the results were published by the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture based in Brussels at the end of December 2020. MUL was also successful with a maximum number of points achieved, thus demonstrating strong commitment and dedication to participate in this unique and successful over 30-year-old higher education program.
Find more infos here (only available in German):
Erasmus Days 2020

After a year of ups and (Lock)downs, uncertainties and challenges we were still very lucky to host our #erasmusdays event in 2020.
We went hiking and explored an important part of Leoben's history at the same time: For 238 years, until 1964 active coal mining was carried out in Seegraben, making the mine one of the oldest in Austria. The hike along a path, which leads around this former coal mining area was guided by an expert who knows the places histroy. A interesting and yet very different #erasmusdays event 2020 and we are happy we were able to organize it before measures were tightened again.
Check out the video to our event on our Youtube Channel:#erasmusday2020 at MUL