Erasmus+ Staff Mobility (STT) for Training
The Erasmus+ Staff Training action line offers mobility opportunities to academic and administrative staff to gain knowledge and professional experience abroad. Montanuniversitaet Leoben welcomes staff members from Erasmus+ institutions who wish to visit for a short term training, a workshop or an individual job-shadowing and study visit.
- Target group
Academic and administrative staff at Erasmus+ institutions in eligible program countries: EU member states, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia, Turkey and North Macedonia. - Mobility grant
The Erasmus+ mobility grant is awarded by the home institution. Please contact the International Office at your home university for further information on the application procedure.
MIRO Welcome Center serves as an information center and supports you with practical assistance in all non-academic matters in order to smoothen your visit. Please, do not hesitate to contact us with any further questions you might have.

- Check relevant deadlines and procedures for application at your home university.
- Contact the relevant hosting department/unit at Montanuniversitaet Leoben to ask for a possible training visit. For individual job-shadowing or study visits, please submit your CV and a description of your own area of expertise and specify your areas of interest at Montanuniversitaet Leoben.
- If you are not sure which department fits your interest, you are welcome to contact MIRO first.
- Once the hosting department/unit has confirmed to host you, you will need to agree on a suitable timeframe and the visiting program.
- All details need to be defined and confirmed in the “Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement for Training” prior to mobility. This document needs to be signed by the applicant, as well as the responsible persons at the home institution and the host department/unit.
- A confirmation of stay will be issued by the hosting department at the end of your visit.
Please note that training visits need to be negotiated well in advance in order to arrange a suitable visiting program. We advise to contact the host department at least one semester in advance.