Nomination & Application Procedure
Below you can find more detailed information regarding the application procedure:

Winter semester:
- Nominierung deadline: May 1st
- Application deadline for international students: May 15th
- Application deadline for EU/EEA students: May 31st
Summer semester:
- Nominierung deadline: October 1st
- Application deadline for international students: October 15th
- Application deadline for EU/EEA students: October 31st

After being nominated by your homeuniversity, you will receive a nomination email, in which you will also receive access informationen to the platform Mobility Online. The entire application process as well as other administrative steps (e.g. changes of learning agreement during the semester) will be carried out on this platform.
Required documents in DIGITAL form
1. MIRO Application Form for Incoming Students
2. Learning Agreement
3. Proof of Language Level English or German (MUL Language Proficiency Report: B2/ TOEFL 78/ IELTS: 6.0)
4. Curriculum Vitae
5. Transcript of records in English or German
6. Copy of passport/ ID (ID= only valid for Europeans)
7. For MSc students: BSc certificate
Additional for applicants from outside the EU/EEA –territory
8. Financial capacity report
9. Confirmation of insurance (travel health, accident, liability)
Additional for applicants whose stay is focused on research/ writing an academic paper
10. Supervisor request form (MUL template can be downloaded from MO)

- Please note that in order for incoming exchange/short term students to successfully complete classes at MUL, a minimum German OR English language level of B2 is required.
- We do request an institutionalized proof of language skills (e.g. IELTS result of 6.0 / TOEFL 78 for English/ or German TDN4 or equivalent for German).
- It is also possible to have our MUL language proficiency report confirmed and signed by a language institute, language department of the university or an equivalent institution (Available on Mobility Online –Downloads/Templates or request at incoming(at)