Courses for Exchange Students
Here you can find the list of courses offered in English for our exchange students from the different field of studies. Further you can find information about the Austrian grading system and the academic calender at MUL.

- The list of the courses offered in English open to exchange students can be found here Coursefinder for the academic year 2021/22
!! Please be aware that the updated course list may differ from previous lists and course offers. ONLY courses available on this list are open for exchange students. !!
- More details about the courses can be found in in MUonline "How to search for courses in MUonline"
- Please note that some courses have prerequisites!
- Courses are subject to change and might be cancelled.
- Courses that are part of a ‘Universitätslehrgang’ (ULG= ‘University Training Course’) are NOT open to incoming exchange students!
- Incoming short term BSc level students are allowed to take MSc level classes, if they have completed min 90 ECTS in their BSc studies.
Grading System
Austrian grading scale
- 1 - Excellent - outstanding performance
- 2 - Good - above average standard but some errors
- 3 - Satisfactory - generally sound work with a number of notable errors
- 4 - Sufficient - performance, where a strict diffentiation is not adequate
- 5 - Unsatisfactory - substantial improvement required
- Successfully completed - positive performance, where a strict differentiation is not adequate
- Unsuccessfully completed- negative performance, where a strict differentiation is not adequate
Recommended ECTS grades (European grading system)
- 1 - A
- 2 - B
- 3 - C
- 4 - D/E
- 5 - F
ECTS Credits
- one academic year = 60 ECTS
- one semester = 30 ECTS
Academic Calender

- The academic calendar can be found under