Student Abroad Grant for international internships


Students who are doing an internship in a non-European country can apply for the Student Abroad Grant for international internships. 

A suitable internship spot is organized by the student him-/herself. The application for the Student Abroad Grant is made at MIRO.

  • An internship is possible at any time from the 1st semester onwards, but at least 16 ECTS must have been completed at MUL upon submitting the application.
  • The internship has to last at least 1 months an can max. last 12 months
  • It has to be a full-time internship
  • All application documents must be submitted at MIRO one month before the start of the internship.

Funding depends on the host country - regions 1-12 or EU & EEA countries (see "Ergänzender Leitfaden KA131 - 2022 ERASMUS+ Mobilität für Studierende und Hochschulpersonal", page 32).

INFO: Regardless of whether it is a paid or unpaid internship, you can apply for the foreign expenses subsidy.