Erasmus+ Grant for Internships

Erasmus+ fosters the mobility of students as well as academic and non-academic staff in higher education institutions. Eligible for participation in the Erasmus+ program are the 27 EU member states as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, the former Yugoslav republic Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey.

 Via Erasmus+, students can study or work abroad for up to 12 months per study level (Bachelor/Master/PhD).

For internships conducted in one of the Erasmus+ program countries, students can apply for the Erasmus+ mobility grant. Students organize the internship spot and contact with the host institution on their own, but can apply for the Erasmus+ mobility grant at MIRO. Both paid and unpaid internships are eligible for the grant.

► Here you can find the necessary application forms for the Erasmus+ internship stay: Erasmus+ internship

  • Study and academic requirements: An internship is possible at any time from the 1st semester onwards, but at least 16 ECTS must have been completed at MUL.
  • Duration of the internship: At least 2 months, maximum 12 months
  • Type of internship: It must be a full-time internship.
  • Deadline: The complete application documents must be submitted to MIRO at least 1 month before the start of the internship.

Depending on the host country, this can be between € 470- € 520/month.

For long-term internships, students receive a monthly top-up of €150 (does not apply to internships in third countries not associated with the program)

INFO: The mobility grant can be applied for regardless of whether the internship is paid or unpaid.

As part of a mobility, the following participants have the opportunity to receive an additional support (top-up) of € 250 per month:

  • Students and recent graduates with a disability*
  • Students and recent graduates with a chronic illness (physical or mental), if this results in increased financial expenditure during the stay abroad (compared to the stay in the sending country).
  • Students and recent graduates with children who are taking their child or children with them on the Erasmus+ programme.

*"Disabilities: This includes physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which, in interaction with various barriers, may hinder someone's full and effective participation in society on the same footing as others.’

The following documents can be used as evidence for the top-up:

  • in the case of disability: disability pass or other proof
  • in the case of chronic illness: medical certificate and proof of the additional costs incurred compared to the stay in the sending country, e.g. declaration on honour by the student or other documents proving the additional costs.
  • For students who are taking their child or children with them: Birth certificate, proof of custody if applicable, proof of the child/children's stay in the host country

PLEASE NOTE: The top-up cannot be cumulated. This means that students who fall into several of the above-mentioned categories (e.g. a student with a disability who takes their child with them on their stay) will only receive a top-up of € 250 per month.

If applicants fall into one or more of the above-mentioned target groups, all information and documents must be communicated/submitted as part of the application process. Applicants should always contact the outgoing coordinator in MIRO (outgoing(at)

Important notes

  • For recent graduates, the Erasmus internship grant is possible well within one year after graduation (The application has to be submitted while still studying at the university).
  • An internship can also be completed in non-associated third countries and funded by Erasmus+. Specific regulations for funding and travel allowances apply. A complete list of non-associated third countries and the respective funding conditions can be found in the KA131 Guidelines of the currently valid call*. Please note that international internships are generally funded through MULisa; depending on the conditions, Erasmus+ funding may be available. ATTENTION: It is not possible to apply for both.
  • For recipients of Austrian Federal Aid for Students, there is an increased grant from the government possible, IN ADDITION TO THE ERASMUS+ GRANT. This needs to be applied for directly via the Student Aid Body ( Students with special needs and students with child(ren) can apply for special funding by the European Union.
  • Erasmus+ internships can be conducted in companies, training and research institutions or other organisations that contribute to fostering the agreed learning goals for the relevant study programme.
  • It is not possible to do an internship at the following institutions:
    • Institutions of the European Union
    • The European Parliament, or agencies that are decentrally attributed to these institutions
    • Institutions that manage the EU programmes